Retreat Compleat
What a fabulous time.
Anafora is a farm half way between Cairo and Alexandria built and managed by one of the most remarkable men on the planet, a Coptic Orthodox Bishop. It is simple, beautiful, quiet and so full of God's presence you feel like bursting in to tears as you walk through the gate. The food is great, the rooms are simple and clean and beautifully designed in the local traditional architecture with domed ceilings and thick walls, the lighting is mostly candles, and there is a wonderful church with the weirdest acoustics I've ever encountered. There is a set of waterways running through the grounds that get filled for swimming and then emptied out into the irrigation system for the farm - most ingenious - and there are all kinds of little quiet spots where you can just sit and think or dream or pray or snooze. I think I managed to do all four at once at some point.
So I spent some time with some friends who were also there (coincidentally) praying and worshiping, I read some of "Soul Cravings", I played my guitar in my room, I took a moonlit walk around the farm and had a really encouraging conversation with God. I swum, I fasted and I spent yesterday afternoon reading through the Gospel of Matthew.
I'm not sure if it was long enough to really re-charge my spiritual batteries, but one of the things I heard God say to me was that I need to spend more time talking to him more regularly. So could you help me out with that and ask me how I'm doing from time to time?
Incidentally, I had the jafferpod set to shuffle, and on the journey up there, God was controlling the playlist - mainly Iona, with a good mix of everything else except Dave Matthews Band. Only one song from Stand Up came on, and the lyrics offended me so I skipped forward. On the way home, there was another from that album called "Everybody Wake Up" with the lyrics
I remember the words of the misguided foolWell, having just a couple of hours earlier read in Matthew 7:12, Jesus's words "Do for others what you would like them to do for you" my respect for DM has plummeted.
Do unto others as you'd have them do
Not an eye for an eye is the golden rule
Just leaves a room full of blind men
Should I delete the song?