Thursday, November 09, 2006

My church

So. Maadi Community Church (MCC). A little introduction. We are part of the world wide family of God. We are the body, gathered from all over the world, assembled from more than fifty different nationalities, and with over seventy different denominational affiliations. There are about 1400 of us meeting every weekend spread between four different services. Pastor Dave Petrescue used to say it's a little taste of what heaven might be like, every nation, tribe and tongue worshipping together in unity. A further 1500 of us don't even make it to this campus so we've planted five new church locations this year in their communities around the city. These are mainly displaced people, refugees, asylum seekers, mostly Africans, mostly in great need.

We are a church with cell groups/small groups at our core, people meeting in their homes during the week, learning from each other, studying and worshipping together, praying together, and looking for opportunities to live out their faith in a practical way by feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, caring for the sick, teaching the uneducated and helping more people to become followers of Christ.

We worship. Three services each weekend are western style worship, energetic, contemporary music blended with hymns and prayer, occasionally formal, sometimes traditional, always real. Our fourth service is African style, and, wow, they absolutely know how to worship. You need to go there.

I have four worship teams that play one weekend each per month. They are great singers and musicians and we're learning together how to lead in such a way so as to not take the attention off God. We must decrease, He must increase. We come from Eritrea, USA, Canada, UK, Egypt, South Africa, Holland, Korea, Uganda, Nigeria, Sudan, Germany, and Congo.

I still can't believe I get to be doing what I do, where I do it, with the people I do it with. God is seriously good.

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