Tuesday, January 25, 2011

They've turned off Twitter in Cairo...

So when it's back on, I would be much obliged if you would all repeat
all the tweets I've missed. Just type them in all over again -
anything written between about 4:30pm and whenever they plug the
information stream back in.

Thanks so much!

Posted via email from Jafferblog


Bill said...

Mark, praying for the situation and the safety and peace of your family.

Bill and Jody Todd

Randy said...


Praying for you and your country right now. I also have twittered your link. Hope all is well with you and that this does not interfere with your trip.


Jim Drake said...

Mark. Praying for you tonight as I lay down. Im trusting you and yours into the hands of the Holy spirit. Psalm 121 and psalm 46 for you my friend

p0wderh0und said...

Prayers for the people of your country my friend. Be safe!