Monday, November 26, 2007

Advent readings

So we're trying to pick families to do Advent readings at the moment...



Patty :0) said...

Do you remember the week (had to be in 04) Dr. Hany and his wife were supposed to do the Advent reading and when it was time for them to come to the platform, she had to run out to their car to get him because he was asleep? I suppose that follows under "He did the reading last year but there was an incident..." Oh, the memories! Smile...

Mark Jaffrey said...

Oh yes, I remember very clearly! Every year people turn up late, aren't sure what their reading is, don't know where to stand, have problems with the clicky buttons on the candle lighting gadget, and then light the wrong candles. I really like it!

marcel said...

advent readings.. perhaps you could start a fridayschool class a couple of months before advent to teach people how to read the verse clearly, and light the candles safely and correctly?

tk said...

I've not experienced an Advent at MCC, but certainly miss Easter there. I'm hoping you'll get back to me as my husband is coming at the end of January. I'd love for you to meet him.

Unknown said...

Easy ... go for the unknown. Tis the Snowy Lion Way.

Unknown said...

"Lion, get downt pit. I'm going to take thee out but it's going to hurt me more than it will hurt thee."